Rotary BOP device:
1. Equipment usage
The equipment is a rotary deflector, that is, to guide the fluid returned from the parallel barrel away from the drill floor, establish the shielding between the annulus and the drill floor, and bear certain pressure, so as to realize the purpose of underbalanced drilling. It can be widely used in negative pressure drilling, natural gas and air drilling, workover operation and normal drilling. It can effectively reduce drilling cost, reduce mud damage to formation, increase oil well production and achieve the effect of environmental protection drilling.
2. Product development
Rotary BOP, also known as rotary control head, is an indispensable key equipment for underbalanced drilling technology. With the increasingly strict requirements of environmental protection drilling, the equipment will also be used in the field of normal drilling. The rotary control head is installed on the top of annular BOP or ram blowout preventer, which is used to seal the rotary drilling tool and play a diverting role in realizing underbalanced drilling technology and other pressurized drilling operations. It can be used for drilling with pressure and tripping without killing after matching with hydraulic BOP, check valve of drilling tool, gas separator and snubbing pressure device. It plays an important role in special operations such as releasing low pressure oil and gas reservoir, leak proof drilling, aerated drilling, snubbing and workover. At present, most of the rotary blowout preventers used in domestic oil fields are imported products, which are expensive. In order to promote the large-scale application of underbalanced drilling technology in China and meet the drilling requirements of different oilfield areas, our company has jointly developed a series of rotary blowout preventers (double rubber core rotary head and single rubber core rotary head) jointly with Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield. The new fxb20 / 35-17.5/35 rotary BOP can pass through 51 / 2 Drilling tools (this type of equipment has always been a monopoly product of foreign countries, only leased to the Chinese market, not sold, resulting in high operating costs in China's domestic oilfields. When competing for the third bid abroad, it was often led by foreign companies because of its high price). The birth of this type of equipment filled in the domestic blank, thus obtained the patent right, and made due contributions to China's oilfield industry.
3. List of specifications and models of series products:
FXB18/35-17.5/35-35 FXB18/35-14/21-35
FXB18/35-17.5/35-70 FXB18/35-14/21-70
FXB20/35-17.5/35-35 FXB18/35-7/14-35
FXB20/35-17.5/35-70 FXB18/35-7/14-70
post by Cangzhou Fengliang petroleum Machinery Co.,Ltd whatsapp:+8613512492572