Cameron BOP technical Specs
Cameron BOP BOP is the most widely used in the world, which can be applied to the land, the platform, the bottom of the sea. Cameron blowout preventer has the largest application size range, size from 7-1/16 "to 26-3/4", work pressure from 5000 to 15000 psi. Currently provided by the major products are U, UII and UM of ram blowout preventer, T and TL series of ram blowout preventer, and DL annular bop.
Cameron ram blowout preventer
U ram blowout preventer
U ram blowout preventer ram for the pressure self tightening type. Wellbore pressure acting on the gate, improves the sealing force, and the pressure loss in hydraulic conditions to maintain seal seal. Seal integrity in fact with the wellbore pressure increases.
Size and working pressure are as follows:
7 1/16 "1/16" 15000 psi 3000 - 7
11 "3000 - 11" 15000 PSI
13 5/8 "5/8" 15000 psi 3000 - 13
16 3/4 "3/4" 10000 psi 3000 - 18
20 3/4 "3/4" 3000 psi 3000 - 26
U II ram blowout preventer
Almost all the characteristics of Cameron U II type blowout preventer with U type blowout preventer, and applies them Yu Hai. Size and working pressure of 18-3/4 10000 and PSI 15000 ".
UM ram blowout preventer
Cameron type UM BOP BOP light is designed for convenient repair and prolong the service life. UM type blowout preventer perfect prior U type blowout preventer, including the use of preventer can prevent the valve in any equal size U type cover. UM type blowout preventer with single valve cover, can be converted in shear and pipe model.
Size and working pressure are as follows:
7-1/16 "13-5/8", 11 ", 3000, 5000, 10000, 15000 PSI
16-3/4 "3000, 5000, 10000 psi
"Psi 20-3/4 3000
21-1/4 "2000, 5000, 10000 psi
"Psi 26-3/4 3000
T ram blowout preventer
Cameron T type blowout preventer has many unique advantages, including security, economy, reliability, prolong the service life, reduce the height and convenient maintenance. The T type anti side ram preventer can move in reducing BOP height, convenient replacement of the gate and the rubber core. Sliding gate to the side of simplified access and processing, reduce the vertical clearance requirements. The modular design of T type blowout preventer, greatly reducing the BOP height.
TL ram blowout preventer
Cameron type TL BOP BOP is the Cameron family including U type, U type II and T type blowout development results. TL type blowout preventer integrated design characteristics of the most commonly used the blowout preventer, which is integrated into a lighter products. As with the T type blowout preventer, TL type blowout preventer side gate can be mobile, is a breakthrough in contract drilling time and reduce the height requirement. In addition, using the bonnet seal reduces maintenance time and cut off the drill pipe.
Size and working pressure:
18-3/4 "5000, 10000, 15000 PSI
"Psi 13-5/8 10000
Cameron annular BOP
DL annular BOP
In the Cameron DL of annular blowout preventer of unique design, closing pressure forces the piston and push board operation replaces the solid elastomer ring upward, inward closing force rubber core. Because the rubber core off, steel reinforced insert inward rotation on the formation of the rubber core top and bottom continuous support. Whether the rubber core open closed in a tube or opening, insert between the strengthening contact each other.
Dimensions and working pressure:
7-1/16 "~21-1/4", 2000~20000 PSI