TDS-11SA to TDS-11SAE upgrade advantageThere are distinct benefits that differentiate our top drive upgrade package versusthird parties simply installing new Motors with higher horsepower. The upgrade is lessexpensive than installing new Motors, provides significant improvements to performance,and ensures customers are receiving the quality and experience of the OEM.We collaborated with three engineering partners to conduct a comprehensive analysis ofthe TDS-11SA gearbox, allowing us to determine how stress and fatigue would be affectedby the increase in horsepower.Gearbox improvements• To maintain the proven service life and design safety factor of the TDS-11SA while stillenabling the upgrade, major internal changes were n ecessary to the gearbox.• Compound and pinion gears and the bull gear mounting all required changes toaccommodate the loads from the increase in power• bearing sizes and housings, as well, had to be adjusted to accommodate theincreased load.• The Gear Box cover required new casting and machining to accommodate changesto the bearing.These important changes come together to provide our customers with a cost-effectivesolution to upgrade a critical piece of drilling equipment while knowing that they havethe design and engineering expertise of the OEM.Installation / Technical Specifications TDS-11SAEMotor Type AC Induction MotorsHorsepower Rating 2 x 600 HPTDS Working Height 19 ft 4 in (21 ft 8 in with 120 in Bail) (5,893 mm)Weight 35,000 lb (15,875 kg)TransmissionGear Ratio 10.56:1Drilling ParametersMax Speed 228 RPMMax Continuous Torque 58,800 ft-Ib (79,722 N-m)Speed at Max Continuous Torque 110 RPMMax Breakout Torque 75,000 ft-Ib (101,686 N-m)Max Makeup Torque 62,500 ft-lb (84,738 N-m)Static Lock Brake 39,000 ft-Ib (52,877 N-m)Rating CapacitiesHoisting 500 ton (453,592 kg)Water Course 3 in (76.2 mm)Washpipe Packing 7,500 psi (517 bar)Pipe Handler PH-75Breakout Torque Capacity 75,000 ft-lb (101,686 N-m)Drill Pipe Range 2⅞ in - 4½ in (73 mm - 114.3 mm)Connection OD 4 in - 8½ in (101.6 mm - 215.9 mm)IBOP Pressure Rating 15,000 psi (1,034 bar)Upper IBOP 6⅝ in API Reg. RH Box (remote operated)Lower IBOP 6⅝ in API Reg. RH Pin/Box (manual)Rotation/Orientation 360°UnlimitedOtherCooling System Local BlowerHydraulic Power OnboardTemperature Range -40°C to +55°C (-40°F to +131°F)Casing Running Tool Ready OptionalElevator-links.html target='_blank'>Elevator links 250, 350 and 500 ton API